
Monthly Archives: October 2021

How to thicken pasta sauce? (Part-2)

Thickening pasta sauce is easy. The best way is to make a beurre manié, which is equal parts flour and butter mixed together into a paste. You can add the beurre manié directly in the saucepan with the pasta sauce, stir to combine thoroughly, simmer for about five minutes (the sauce will become slightly cloudy), then remove from heat. You can also add the beurre manié directly to your pasta before you serve it, mix thoroughly with a little bit of pasta water, then eat. Continue reading

How long does cooked pasta last?

Do you know how long cooked pasta lasts before it goes bad? It can last up to 3 days in the refrigerator, but only if the package has not been opened and stored in a sealed container. If your pasta is left open and exposed to air, it will only last 24 hours. Once you have opened a package of cooked pasta, I recommend using it within 3-4 days of opening or freezing the rest so that they don’t go bad. Continue reading