How to Eat Pasta and Still Lose Weight?
While trying to lose weight many consider wheat-based foods completely off-limits. The main reason why many people shy away from eating wheat-based foods is that they contribute to weight gain. Pasta contains refined carbohydrates which get broken down easily thus get used up very fast and have very little nutritional value. After eating food high in refined carbohydrates one will experience a short burst of energy then you will feel sluggish and hungry again. This feeling will lead one to eat more and stay dormant.
Eat pasta foods with a low glycemic load
Foods with a low glycemic load are slower in increasing blood sugar levels. High sugar levels in the blood are dangerous as it increases the chances of one suffering from cardiovascular attacks. The human body stores sugar as fat in the body. This means that when one takes pasta with high glycemic load their weight increases rapidly plus they are at the risk of heart attacks. People who train heavily will tend to eat food high in glycemic load due to the energy required by intense physical activities. The excess sugars are converted into glucose and converted into energy needed by the body. However, if you are looking to lose weight the last thing you would want on your plate is food high in glycemic load. Many pasta diets are high in glycemic load and we should eat pasta in moderation. Here are some pasta foods with a low glycemic load: Spaghetti, Noodles, Linguine, Vermicelli, Shells, and Capellini.
If your workout sessions are not that rigorous, eating food with a low glycemic load will help you lose weight. The body will burn up more carbohydrates than we are consuming.
Have intense workout sessions If you find yourself eating pasta high in carbohydrates, having intense work sessions is your solution to burning the excess calories. If your job does not entail intense physical activity then you may find yourself gaining weight. Gaining weight is dangerous for your health and one has to watch their weight. Running for quite some team will burn a lot of energy. The excess sugars in your blood are quickly used and this prevents you from gaining weight. Have a timetable on when to jog and work out. Working out requires dedication and discipline which is not easy. You can look for a partner and stay true to the mission, in the long run, you will lose weight. Find a local gym if you cannot find friends to work out with and the instructor will give you the best workout routines. If you follow your routine religiously you will shed your extra weight and still enjoy pasta dishes. By cutting down your weight you are avoiding many weight-related complications. Work might be taking up a lot of time and you still can find ways to exercise. Cycling to and from might be a great way of cutting your weight. There are tons of ways how we can lose weight and stay in shape.
Dieting is a great way of losing weight and nutritionists recommend it. Following a strict diet routine is tough since we have to restrain ourselves from eating anything and everything. While dieting we take foods that we do not normally take. Supplementing pasta with other high-fiber foods helps in losing weight. Try adding vegetables into your sauces and more fruits in the salads. Many people prefer meaty sauces which contribute to gaining weight and increases the chances of one having a heart attack. Avoiding such sauces can help one lose weight. Vegetables and fruits are highly nutritious and physicians recommend that we include them in our meals. You can reduce the amount of pasta and increase vegetables in your diet. Food high in fiber helps in cutting weight and is healthy. Fiber makes you stay fuller and focused all along the day. Dieting should not translate to you starving yourself in order to cut weight. Staying hungry makes you grouchy and easily irritable, this can affect your relationship with other people. You can find many dieting tips online and you should avoid straining yourself when it comes to dieting. Creating a good dieting plan will help you stay on track and monitor your daily food intake.
Add cereals and grains to your dough Experts recommend that we add cereals and grains to our pasta. Cereals such as millet, barley, rye, corn and whole grains can be included in the flour. To avoid destroying the texture of the dough, we should have the grains milled. Cereals and grains add vital minerals to the pasta such as omega -3 fatty acids, vitamins, phosphorous and fiber. Various recipes are available on how to mix the flour together and achieve great results. Cereals are a rich source of unsaturated fats and antioxidants which play a great role in reducing cholesterol levels. Antioxidants help in reducing weight by helping the body burn excess fats in the body.
Various pasta makers will help you create delicious pasta. Cereals and grain are excellent sources of vitamins crucial for the body’s well-being. If you are not comfortable with changing your pasta, you might opt to use cereals in your soup or sauce. This ensures your diet is full of nutrients and beneficial to your weight loss journey.
Losing weight is frustrating especially if we do not watch what we eat. Pasta is blamed for being ineffective in reducing weight and many people will avoid eating pasta totally. However, there are low glycemic load pasta recipes that one can try and still successfully lose weight. Combining the various weight loss methods discussed above will help one in the weight loss journey. If you are worried about adding weight then you can make pasta in moderation and stay fit. Low carb diet works hand in hand with working out in helping to lose weight and avoiding lifestyle diseases. Always supplement your diet with fruits, vegetables, and cereals so as to stay fit.